Saturday, January 15, 2005


I am adjusting to life as a student teacher. I sure hope that being a teacher doesn't take up as much time as student teaching does. I don't seem to have much time at all. I'm always doing things for school right now. I know once my Technology Portfolio and my Teacher Work Sample are done, I won't be as busy. My technology portfolio is due Monday. So that'll be on more check on the to-do list of licensure.

The last two weeks have been not just a big adjustment period for me, but also for my students. I didn't realize how much of an adjustment it would be since I worked with these same students last semester. The students have gone through a period of trying to test my limits. They were not as focused as they should have been and were turning in poor quality work. They have gotten their act together now.

I had to fix some problems with parents this week. This is an art that I really need to work on. I don't always keep my cool. I'm getting better. It has helped that most of my communication with parents has been through email. I do have a conference next week though...

Ok, back to work on my technology portfolio...wish me luck!


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