Saturday, January 01, 2005

Break is over...


It seems like it was only yesterday that I took my last final. Two days from now, I'll begin Intern II. There just doesn't seem to be enough time! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

Well, I did well grade wise last semester. I was able to maintain my 4.0 GPA! YEAH! I only need to do that for one more semester. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I got news on a non-academic grade. I took the Praxis II in November. I got the results over break! I passed! YEAH! I was a little nervous. I left the test thinking I would have to retake it. It was the hardest test I've been through. Well, I called in to the automated system to get my test scores. The computer told me I got a 200. From everything I read, 200 was the highest you could score on the test. So, I thought there was so kind of glitch in the system. There was no way I could have scored a 200 on that test. I called customer service. The operated chuckled at me as she told me that I indeed scored a 200. So, that's one more thing to check off on the to-do list for my teaching license.

I am excited about the upcoming week. There's a teacher workday on January 3. I get to put up bulletin boards and get things ready for the semester. I am not taking all of my classes on at once. I start with my 3 math classes. (It's only two preps.) The following week, I pick up reading (we are doing literature circles the first two weeks, so planning won't be too hard.) I pick up our science class the week of MLK Day. Then I'll teach all 5 classes at least until Easter. Then I start handing them back to Mrs. Moody. I am very nervous about this semester. I hope I do well.


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