Sunday, November 14, 2004

Chapter 8 Reflection

I have just finished everything for Chapter 8. I am a few days late, but that's what happens when you have a cold, a job fair, the Praxis II in less than week, and all these classes with things due. It's been a very busy couple of weeks. Only a few more weeks left in the semester! Thank goodness!!!

I really enjoyed actually incorporating technology into my lessons. It was interesting to see how it just logically flows into my lessons. It seems like the technologies I have put in the two lessons I've written belong there. Granted, I am a Mathematics teacher. Technology and Mathematics go very well together. I wonder if my classmates are finding this as easy as I am.

What I liked best is I haven't used the technology that all teachers over depend on in Mathematics yet. I do not have a calculator in use in any of my lessons. I do have it listed as a supply in my first lesson, just in case. I do not have it planned as a use.

After our initial class on the Technology Portfolio, I'm a little less worried about it. It is going to take a lot of work, but I do not think it is going to be hard. It will be time consuming, but it is not going to be difficult. I think I want to do mine online. I think it will be an easier way to organize. Papers have a way of becoming disorganized, even after you organize them. I find it a lot harder to become lost in webpage organization. Maybe it's because I'm a Math person.

When I was at the Gwinnett County Job Fair on November 6, I saw some people hand a CD in with their resumes. It was a portfolio of some sort. They had a paper copy with them as they walked around the job fair. The principals and teachers at the job fair saw hundreds of potential teachers. By giving the school as CD of their work, these teachers have ensured that their portfolios are going to be remembered by the people that are hiring for the county. I think it was a wise thing to do, and I intend on doing the exact same thing for my next job fair.


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