Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Reflection over Chapter 5

This has been a very overwhelming week. It is the middle of the semester. I am ready to be done with the semester, but the end is not insight yet. I am tired. I feel so behind in everything. I am digging my hole deeper and deeper. I don't know if I'll ever get out. I am ready for fall break. Just another week and a half...

This weeks reading was interesting. I liked the aspect on reading images. Too often images are seen as decoration and not part of the text, but images can add so much to the text. I enjoyed looking at the pictures in this reading. A whole lesson can be created using just one of those images. The use of images will deepen students learning.

I have enjoyed working on the newsletter. I think this will be fantastic way to communicate to the parents what my students are doing. Parent/teacher communication is vital, and usually done when something is going wrong, or at least that is what I have witnessed in my classrooms. It is also a good way to showcase the students' work.


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