Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Chapter 13 Reflection

I found the article on filtering the internet very interesting. At first I was shocked that someone was suggesting that we do not protect our students for dangers. Then I thought about it as I read on. We cannot create bubble around our students and act as if these things do not exist. There are dangers out there in the world. We cannot protect the students when we are not there, unless we teach them how to protect ourselves.

Now that I agree with the article, I think it will be very hard to convience some community members of this. I can show them the article, but they may not agree with what the article says. I'm sure that things like drug education and sex eduction must have gotten resistance too when it was suggested at first. I know there are still parents that will not allow their students to sit through sex eduction done by the school. Why would they allow their students to use a computer without a filter or list to a lesson on how to navigate the internet safely?


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